Is Facebook losing steam? That’s a yes in my book, but just the opposite is true for its sister company Instagram. Recent reports show Instagram with over 1 billion monthly active users and a half of billion

daily users. More businesses than ever are flocking to the platform to promote their products and services, and share their stories.

Of course, stats vary from study to study, and by date, so check facts for your particular industry and to see if Instagram is a right fit for you.

Let’s talk about 3 Instagram Marketing Hacks to Grow Your Business.

Put effort into your images. Poor quality images won’t gain followers. Think about how you might stage a home for sale. Want it to look good, right?  Do the same with your Instagram content. Stage shots for best branding, likes, and sharing.

Add testimonials. If people are using your products and service, share it. Have others tell their story on why you’re awesome. No time to be shy. You don’t have to be a million-dollar brand to post video, but create a video others will remember.

Have a plan and a theme. Consistency always wins over random posting. Be strategic in your approach, posts, and calls to action. Surprise, entertain, and make people laugh – or smile at least.

I’m Robin Samora, host of Fast Marketing Minute, if you’d like to talk about marketing strategy for your business, you’ve come to the right place. Go to and contact me there. Let’s get an appointment on the calendar. Talk tomorrow!