Want to be successful in sales? Learn the Art of Prospecting and how to overcome prospecting challenges. Here are some tips to up your game 

 3 Marketing Tips to Overcome Sales Challenges 

 1. What are you looking to do? Sounds like a no-brainer but clarity is key – know what you want and it will be easier to get. And forget about you in the get-to-know-you agendait’s all about the prospect, not you. Their problems, their challenges, and their business. Ultimately, how you can help solve their problems.  

2.  Are you targeting the right prospect? Get clear on who your ideal client is and don’t waver. Write a sales plan on paper, not just in your head, and don’t get carried away with super complicated tactics. Marketing will help build like, know, trust, and believability, and support sales – but to close a sale, you have to call or email to connect, and not just once. Block time for sales and make it a habit.  

3Is yourhead in the game? You’re not going to be on your A-game every day. It’s impossible. When you make prospecting a habit, it becomes almost second nature. Focus, tolerate zero distractions and set aside designated time every day or a few times a week, when prospecting is all you do. And follow-up. Otherwise, as my Dad would say, you’re “Mickey M 

I’m Robin Samora with the Fast Marketing Minute. My passion is low-cost marketing to help you grow your business. Check out my website at RobinSamora.com, then schedule a call. Talk soon!