I love the phrase, you are brand wherever you go, because it’s truer than ever, especially if you’re a small business owner or entrepreneur looking to grow your business.

Your brand story tells it all.  So, be sure that you know it inside and out. What makes you different? How did you get to where you are now? Why should someone want to do business with you?

Here’s what I tell my clients: 

-Create a story that’s compelling.  Moving. And, include your why to make it personal. 

-Practice sharing your story with feeling – and whether you pretend to or not, tell it with meaning! 

-Use your brand story as part of a daily PR and marketing practice to grow your business, build a base of raving fans so you can sell more products and services.  

The core of your brand story will always be the same, because it’s who you are. 

Include your brand story as part of your elevator pitch, in person at networking events, in an author resource box at the bottom of articles, on Amazon Author Central when you upload your blog. And always, when you write content. 

I’m Robin Samora, host of Fast Marketing Minute, let me help you create and promote a brand that’s spot on — 24/7, wherever you go. Shoot me an email at Robin@RobinSamora.com and let’s connect. Talk tomorrow!