If you’re writing amazing content and want to share it with the world, think about adding content syndication to your marketing strategy.

Syndication is a process where you take content you’ve already written and post it to third-party sites. It gets your content seen by more people, which ultimately gets you more brand exposure and increased business.

So where do you syndicate content?

There are lots of paid sites, but there are plenty of free ones that are perfect for small business owners and entrepreneurs. Start by researching Small Business Trends, Business2Community, Tumblr, and StumbleUpon (now Mix!) to see if those platforms would be a good fit for your business. Any industry specific sites would also work to reach a niche market.

But what do you post to syndication sites?

Not everything. You want to post the best of the best — the unicorn blog that got 35 comments. Once the buzz has died down on the original post, that’s the time to syndicate. And always add a link at the bottom to the original post. It invites readers to visit your website, and it tells Google that you aren’t posting dreaded duplicate content.

I’m Robin Samora, host of Fast Marketing Minute. I’m always looking for new marketing ideas to talk about here, and on my Top 40 Small Business Marketing Blog. Got an idea to share? I’d love that! Message me at RobinSamora.com. Talk tomorrow!